Saturday, June 29, 2013

Innsbruck and Next Steps

European Homeless Cup Pictures:

Looking Forward:
Wow. Innsbruck  is beautiful. We are right in the middle of the mountains and everything here is green and vibrant. Fog hides the peaks in the early morning, but as the time hits afternoon, the snow-capped, upper-fringes of the Alps look down below.

We've made it through Munich, and now we are here in Austria for one more day. We will be heading to Italy next, though where in Italy I am not so sure. We haven't bought a train ticket yet- we will pick one up on the fly tomorrow and head to an unknown destination.

Chris and I are at that point where we have realized we need to conserve as much money as possible. Because we don't have any programs or living stays lined up in Italy, this is going to be hard. Hell, we may end up sleeping in a park again. We'll just have to play things as they go!

Current Deadlines:
July 4th- Begin staying at the community in Arcidosso, Italy
July 7th- Flight from Rome, Italy -> Bordeaux, France

For now, time to enjoy Innsbruck for the rest of today and tomorrow morning. I uploaded new pictures from Munich and from our first day here, so check those out! The video above is from part of a hike near where we are staying.

I have another post on the way soon. It is halfway written and I will probably finish it tonight or on the train tomorrow.

Hope you're having an awesome weekend.



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