Thursday, June 20, 2013

Howdy! (travel update)

Update on Travel Status:
Everything has been running smoothly so far. Chris and I have traveled through Madrid, Barcelona, Bergamo, Milan, Basel, Olten, Skavsta, Stockholm, and Budapest.

Tomorrow morning (04:00) we will take a cab to the Budapest airport and leave on yet another Ryanair flight. We will travel to Milan (Bergamo Airport) and from there take a bus to the central train station. We will take a train to Verona, where we will stop for 3-4 hours to get a super-quick tour of the city, and then another train from Verona to Munich. If all goes well, we should be in Munich by 22:25, where we will then make our way to a hostel called "The Tent." We will be in Munich until the 28th, at which point we will depart for Innsbruck, Austria!

Also, I uploaded a ton of pictures! Hopefully Chris or I can do a video soon. We've been in crowded dorms or rooms with very thin-walls, so it has been difficult to find a good place to make one. I have some more Blog posts written, too, which I will post in the next few days. I just didn't want to post them all at once and throw out a ton of reading!

We are both well and healthy, though a little sweaty here in Budapest.



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