Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Language Barriers

Language Barriers

My proposal for this project grows with every article I read. Because I am visiting such a wide range of countries, I (personally) want to have a large amount of knowledge and sources about the issue of homelessness within each place I travel to. I'm encountering an unforeseen problem, though, and that is the language barrier and difficulty of finding websites that are based in foreign countries.

Previously, all my research done for projects and proposals has been from sources within the United States- with maybe a few translated exceptions from Spain or France. Now, though, I'm looking up these seemingly obscure organizations which I find from leads (larger articles, reports) through Google and coming up with either short Wikipedia articles or completely foreign webpages. While Google translator and my subpar level of other languages does help, it still adds a barrier I did not anticipate.

However, I am enjoying working my way around this barrier. It is a great learning challenge and if I lose my positive attitude on something this small, how will I every handle myself as I wander around Europe with only a backpack to my name?

Oh. And it is currently snowing in Tucson. Not just a snowflake here and there, but visibility-reducing, minor blizzard status.



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